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Dinner Party – Feed the Soil

By September 17, 2019August 22nd, 2021No Comments

Dinner Party was made for I-Park’s Site-Responsive Biennale. I began thinking a while back about art in the 21st century.  I believe art must subvert the status quo, and instead of only taking from the earth, we must restore our relationship.

Dinner Party will naturally decompose and transfer nutrients to the earth.  Sustainably harvested moss has been transplanted onto hemp macramé cradles of wheat bran plates and surround the oak tree as if it were a shrine.  Moss absorbs and filters pollutants and heavy metals (it’s a key signifier in scientific analysis of field contamination). The plates are made entirely of wheat bran and are fully compostable.  Wheat bran has ancient connections as a fertilizer as it transfers amino acids, phosphorus and other nutrients much needed for soil health.

This project hopes that by doing something, something will happen.

It was an honor to make this project and I’m truly excited to see where it takes me with my other work.  I hope to be in the midst of a new body of work. The folks at I-Park made a mini site about the work I did there, you can see it at this link.

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